In-depth analysis in the Monetary Policy Reports
In-depth analyses are published in the Monetary Policy Reports. These aim to provide a more detailed analysis of issues that are topical and/or particularly relevant to economic developments and monetary policy.
- 20/12/2018 How are household cashflows and consumption affected by rising interest rates, article in Monetary Policy Report, December 2018
- 24/10/2018 Why measures of core inflation, article in Monetary Policy Report, October 2018
- 24/10/2018 What usually happens when the repo rate is raised, article in Monetary Policy Report, October 2018
- 24/10/2018 Development of the Swedish krona in the longer term, article in Monetary Policy Report, October 2018
- 06/09/2018 Small effects on production and inflation of the summer's drought and forest fires, article in Monetary Policy Report, September 2018
- 03/07/2018 The Phillips curve and monetary policy, article in Monetary Policy Report, July 2018
- 26/04/2018 The exchange rate and inflation, article in Monetary Policy Report, April 2018
- 14/02/2018 Reduced housing construction is subduing GDP growth, article in Monetary Policy Report, February 2018
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Updated 19/12/2024
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