In-depth analysis in the Monetary Policy Reports
In-depth analyses are published in the Monetary Policy Reports. These aim to provide a more detailed analysis of issues that are topical and/or particularly relevant to economic developments and monetary policy.
- 01/07/2021 Expansionary fiscal policies abroad are contributing to the recovery, article in Monetary Policy Report July 2021
- 01/07/2021 How are higher commodity prices and freight costs affecting inflation in Sweden, article in Monetary Policy Report July 2021
- 27/04/2021 Rapidly rising housing prices despite the coronavirus crisis, article in Monetary Policy Report, April 2021
- 27/04/2021 Alternative scenarios for the recovery, article in Monetary Policy Report, April 2021
- 10/02/2021 Changes in the LFS and the Riksbank's analysis of the labour market, article in Monetary Policy Report, February 2021
- 10/02/2021 Alternative scenarios for the economic recovery, article in Monetary Policy Report, February 2021
- 10/02/2021 Changed consumption during the pandemic affects inflation, article in Monetary Policy Report, February 2021
- 10/02/2021 Development of the Riksbank's securities holdings, article in Monetary Policy Report, February 2021
- 26/11/2020 How is the Riksbanks work affected by climate change, article in Monetary Policy Report, November 2020
- 26/11/2020 Distributional effects of the Riksbank's measures, article in Monetary Policy Report, November 2020
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Updated 19/12/2024
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