Climate change and the financial system: Challenges and opportunities for central banks, May 2–3, 2023

The Sustainable Finance Lab and Sveriges Riksbank will host a conference on “Climate change and the financial system: Challenges and opportunities for central banks” at Sveriges Riksbank on May 2–3, 2023.

In addition to paper presentations, the conference will include keynote lectures by Steven Ongena (University of Zürich) and Laura Starks (University of Texas at Austin), and a policy panel with Anna Breman (Sveriges Riksbank), John Hassler (IIES, Stockholm University) and Glenn Rudebusch (Brookings Institution), moderated by Nicoletta Batini (IMF).

Participation in the conference is by invitation only. The conference will be live-streamed to a broader audience. To follow the livestream, use the link below.

For more information, contact [email protected].

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Uppdaterad 2022-11-08