Big data: Building data strategies for central banks in light of the data revolution
Workshop 9 September 2015
The supply of data has increased substantially in recent years and the trend looks to continue as an increasing number of activities are automatically stored. Everything from our internet searches to transactions in the financial market is now stored at micro level in rapidly growing databases.
At the same time there are increasingly strong voices within the world of central banking advocating a more prominent role for data analysis. Among economists, data mining has historically been seen as a terrible crime, while it has been an absolute goldmine for others. Is it time to encourage a change in the perception of data among economists and what approach should central banks adopt when building data strategies in light of the data revolution?
Welcoming speech by Riksbank Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley
Session 1: Future data strategies for central banks
Chair: Jyry Hokkanen
Emerging Opportunities and Challenges with Central Bank Data. [Paper]
Michael J. Kraemer, Deputy Chief Data Officer, Board of Governors
Advanced Analytics at the Bank of England. [Paper]
Paul Robinson, Head of Advanced Analytics, Bank of England
Data as a core central banking asset – The strategy of the European Central Bank. [Paper]
Aurel Schubert, Director General, Directorate General Statistics, European Central Bank
Session 2: Methodological challenges for big data
Chair: Tor Jacobson
Learning from big data. [Paper]
Mattias Villani, Professor of Statistics, Linköping University
Big data, the future of statistics: Experience from Statistics Netherlands. [Paper]
Piet Daas, Methodologist & Research Coordinator Big Data, Statistics Netherlands
Trends and visions within big data analytics. [Paper]
Daniel Gillblad, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Session 3: What can central banks learn from current users of big data?
Chair: Markus Tibblin
The Web Intelligence Machine. [Paper]
Staffan Truvé, Chief Scientist and co-founder, Recorded Future
Text analysis for big data. [Paper]
Magnus Sahlgren, Founder & Chief Scientist, Gavagai
Organising for data success. [Paper]
Lars Albertsson, Data Architect, Schibsted Media Group
Concluding remarks on the workshop from
Deputy Governor Cecilia Skingsley
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