Anna, ekonom

Som ekonom på forskningsenheten jobbar Anna med frågor om penning- och finanspolitik och hur de samverkar. Här berättar Anna mer om sin roll och hur Riksbanken är som arbetsplats.

What I find most valuable about my job is having the freedom to work on topics that I find challenging and interesting in an environment that constantly stimulates me.

What do you do at the bank?

- I spend most of my time doing research. My main research topics are the transmission of monetary and fiscal policy and their interaction. In a recent work with some colleagues I have investigated how monetary policy affects Swedish individuals differentially depending on the level and composition of their income. In another project I have analysed how monetary and fiscal policy can interact in different ways to respond to big shocks like the pandemic recession. This policy interaction is studied in the euro area context as I am particularly interested in the challenges that the euro area is currently facing.  The improvement of the design of the European institutions and of the euro area functioning are topics that I find very relevant and which I explore in my research related to risk sharing and Eurobonds.

What is important for you to be able to do a good job?

- To produce high quality research it is important to be at the frontier in some area, both in terms of research questions and methods. For this, it is crucial to keep up to date on where the field of research is going so as to be able to push the frontier forward.

What is it like working at the Riksbank?

- The Riksbank is a great environment to work in. Being relatively small and not too hierarchical, it is easy to meet colleagues within the organisation and collaborate with many of them. Moreover, despite being very old, it is a really modern institution. This allows its employees to be confronted daily with the most relevant challenges that central banks are facing in the current times. These include not only the more traditional topics like inflation and monetary policy transmission, but also CBDCs, green economy, cyber security, and many other exciting topics. 

What is the best thing about your job?

- What I find most valuable about my job is having the freedom to work on topics that I find challenging and interesting in an environment that constantly stimulates me. All this surrounded by extremely nice and smart colleagues.

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Uppdaterad 2024-12-20