Auktionsdatum 2022-03-08

Conditions for sale of Riksbank certificates
Bid date, 2022-03-08
Auction date 2022-03-08
Settlement date 2022-03-09
Maturity Date 2022-03-16
Nominal amount 589 billion SEK
Interest rate 0.00 %
Bid times 09.30-10.00 (CET/CEST) on the Bid date
Confirmation of bids to e-mail [email protected]
The lowest accepted bid volume 1 million SEK
The highest accepted bid volume 589 billion SEK
Allocation Time 10.15 (CET/CEST) on the Bid date
Projected minimum liquidity surplus during the term 1 178 billion SEK
Expected excess liquidity at full allotment 589 billion SEK

Stockholm, 2022-03-08

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Uppdaterad 2022-03-08