Auction results 2020-12-10
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 2312 |
Isin | SE0011116474 |
Coupon, % | 1.000 |
Maturity | 2023-12-20 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 300 +/- 150 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1350 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 300 |
Number of bids | 7 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, % | -0.003 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.005 |
Highest yield, % | -0.002 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 50.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 516 |
Isin | SE0009190390 |
Coupon, % | 1.250 |
Maturity | 2023-09-20 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 600 +/- 300 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1200 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 600 |
Number of bids | 3 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, % | -0.035 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.043 |
Highest yield, % | -0.034 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 16.67 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 5533 |
Isin | SE0010442731 |
Coupon, % | 1.250 |
Maturity | 2023-09-20 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 1000 +/- 500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1300 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 1000 |
Number of bids | 3 |
Number of accepted bids | 3 |
Average yield, % | -0.057 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.062 |
Highest yield, % | -0.044 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 70.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 576 |
Isin | SE0010049841 |
Coupon, % | 1.000 |
Maturity | 2023-12-20 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 800 +/- 400 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1150 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 800 |
Number of bids | 4 |
Number of accepted bids | 4 |
Average yield, % | -0.038 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.047 |
Highest yield, % | -0.020 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 56.25 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 144 |
Isin | SE0011167428 |
Coupon, % | 1.000 |
Maturity | 2023-06-21 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 600 +/- 300 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1550 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 600 |
Number of bids | 8 |
Number of accepted bids | 5 |
Average yield, % | -0.046 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.049 |
Highest yield, % | -0.039 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 57.14 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 1588 |
Isin | SE0011063015 |
Coupon, % | 1.500 |
Maturity | 2024-03-01 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 1200 +/- 600 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 3800 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 1200 |
Number of bids | 4 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, % | -0.013 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.013 |
Highest yield, % | -0.013 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 54.55 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2020-12-10 |
Loan | 193 |
Isin | SE0011089622 |
Coupon, % | 1.000 |
Maturity | 2023-12-20 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 1000 +/- 500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1500 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 1000 |
Number of bids | 3 |
Number of accepted bids | 3 |
Average yield, % | -0.036 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.053 |
Highest yield, % | -0.013 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 50.00 |
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Uppdaterad 2020-12-10
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