Results of auctions 2020-05-12
Auction | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-12 |
Loan | 2206 |
ISIN-code | SE0009269418 |
Coupon | 0.25 % |
Maturity | 2022-06-01 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 500 +/- 250 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 2,100 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 500 |
Number of bids | 5 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield | 0.075 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.075 % |
Highest yield | 0.075 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 100.00 |
Acution | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-12 |
Loan | 2311 |
ISIN-code | SE0010948240 |
Coupon | 1.00 % |
Maturity | 2023-11-13 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 500 +/- 250 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 2,256 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 500 |
Number of bids | 13 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield | 0.179 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.179 % |
Highest yield | 0.179 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-12 |
Loan | 2505 |
ISIN-code | SE0011414010 |
Coupon | 1.00 % |
Maturity | 2025-05-12 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 500 +/-250 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 3,428 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 500 |
Number of bids | 21 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield | 0.335 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.335 % |
Highest yield | 0.335 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 100.00 |
Acution | Result of auction SEK Kommuninvest Bonds |
Auction date | 2020-05-12 |
Loan | 2611 |
ISIN-code | SE0012569572 |
Coupon | 1.00 % |
Maturity | 2026-11-12 |
Tendered volume, mln SEK | 500 +/- 250 |
Volume offered, mln SEK | 1,706 |
Volume bought, mln SEK | 500 |
Number of bids | 10 |
Number of accepted bids | 5 |
Average yield | 0.475 % |
Lowest accepted yield | 0.472 % |
Highest yield | 0.485 % |
% accepted at lowest yield | 19.80 |
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Uppdaterad 2020-05-12
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