Forecasts and outcomes

The Riksbank forecasts economic developments as a basis for the monetary policy decisions. On this page we publish a compilation of forecasts and outcomes for the most central variables such as the policy rate, inflation, GDP growth and the labour market.

The compilation includes forecasts and outcomes from mid-2020 onwards. The forecasts are presented at the frequency used by the Riksbank in its forecasting work, which differs between different variables. For example, inflation is reported at monthly frequency, GDP and labour market variables at quarterly frequency, and wage series at annual frequency.

The compilation includes, among other things, data with:

  • Forecast and outcome for the policy rate
  • Forecast and outcome for the CPI and the CPIF
  • Forecast and outcome for GDP
  • Forecast and outcome for the exchange rate
  • Forecast and outcome for labour force, number of employed, unemployment rate

The forecasts are produced four times a year in connection with the Riksbank's Monetary Policy Reports and are published after the monetary policy decisions when a report is published. The purpose of publishing a compilation on this page is to increase the transparency of the monetary policy decisions. 

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Updated 19/12/2024