Explanation of Swedish market rates

A market rate is the interest rate that market participants are prepared to pay for various types of credit. It is priced according to supply and demand. The Riksbank publishes a selection of Swedish market rates.

Swedish market rates for the current banking day are available the day after approximately 09.10. Search interest & exchange rates


SWESTR (Swedish krona Short Term Rate) is a transaction-based reference rate calculated and published by the Riksbank. Search Swestr data.

Treasury bills

A treasury bill is a short-term debt instrument issued by the Swedish National Debt Office. The maturity of these instruments is usually up to one year. Treasury bills are used to finance the government's short-term borrowing requirement.

Treasury bills in the Riksbank's database have the following maturities:

  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months (publication ended on 6 October 2010)

Government bonds

Government bonds is a term used collectively for the bonds issued by the Swedish National Debt Office. The Swedish National Debt Office uses government bonds to finance the government's medium and long-term borrowing requirements.

Government bonds in the Riksbank's database have the following maturities:

  • 2 years
  • 5 years
  • 7 years
  • 10 years

Mortgage bonds

A mortgage bond is a short-term debt instrument issued by a mortgage institution. By issuing mortgage bonds, the mortgage institutions finance their long-term home mortgage lending. The series presented on the website is Stadshypoteket's mortgage bond, CAISSE.

Mortgage bonds in the Riksbank's database have the following maturities:

  • 2 years
  • 5 years

STIBOR - no longer published

The Riksbank has concluded the publication of STIBOR. As of May 2020, the calculation and publication of STIBOR has been carried out by the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility (SFBF). Interest-rate listings and more information about STIBOR can be found on the SFBF website.

Fixing rates - no longer published

Fixing rates correspond to the average of market participants' offer rates. The Riksbank ended the publication of fixing rates on 30 December 2019.

Fixing rates in the Riksbank's database had the following maturities:

  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 5 years

Commercial paper - no longer published

A commercial paper is an instrument issued by a company and used for short-term borrowing in the money market. However, the commercial papers reported on the Riksbank’s website was discontinued on 5 October 2005.

Commercial paper in the database had the following maturities:

  • 3 months
  • 6 months
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Updated 30/12/2024