Ingves: Resilience to cyber attacks must be strengthened further
The Riksbank, in cooperation with the other Nordic central banks, is today arranging a conference on cyber security in the financial sector. This is the third of a series of annual conferences arranged by the Nordic central banks. Governor Stefan Ingves and Deputy Governor Martin Flodén will represent the Riksbank.
Date: 28/11/2019 09:00
Speaker: Governor Stefan Ingves
Place: IVA Conference Center, Stockholm
This year’s conference will start with a discussion of the challenges to governance and organisation entailed by cyber risks. This will be followed by a discussion of a number of specific initiatives to improve resilience to cyber risks in the financial sector. Stefan Ingves will hold the opening speech and representatives of both the private and public sectors will talk. Among others, deputy governors of the other Nordic central banks will participate in panel debates.
“Resilience to cyber attacks must be strengthened further. But it is not enough to strengthen the resilience of individual companies. To strengthen the resilience of the financial system as a whole, we need to collaborate more.” These are the words of Stefan Ingves in his opening speech.