The Business Survey's new indicator of economic activity - an early temperature gauge of the Swedish economy

APPENDIX - Tables and charts

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The Business Survey's new indicator of economic activity - an early temperature gauge of the Swedish economy

APPENDIX - Tables and charts

Published: 27 October 2023

Figure 4. Estimates of the Business Survey indicator when the time horizon is extended Standardised units Estimates of the Business Survey indicator when the time horizon is extended
Source: The Riksbank
Table 4. Correlation coefficients, indicators of economic activity and GDP, 2008-2023
GDP q/qGDP q/q (real time)GDP y/yGDP y/y(real time)
Business Survey indicator 0.480.490.740.73
Economic Tendency Survey (NIER)0.500.530.880.87
Business sector confidence indicator (NIER)0.470.450.730.70
PMI services (SB/SILF)0.520.500.840.79
PMI industry (SB/SILF)0.550.490.710.66

Source: The Riksbank.

Table 5. Correlation between the Business Survey indicator and other survey-based indicators of economic activity, 2008-2023
Correlation coefficient
Economic Tendency Survey (NIER)0.89
Business sector confidence indicator (NIER)0.78
PMI services (SB/SILF)0.86
PMI industry (SB/SILF)0.89

Source: The Riksbank.

Table 6. Forecast evaluation for quarterly change in GDP, 2016-2022, RMSE in relation to the benchmark model
GDP q/q (real time)GDP q/q
One quarter aheadTwo quarters aheadOne quarter aheadTwo quarters ahead
AR (1) without indicator1111
Business Survey indicator 0.690.740.710.73
Current economic situation0.880.930.950.96
Economic situation +6m0.960.930.960.89
New orders -3m0.760.830.750.81
New orders +3m0.890.870.910.82
Production/sales -3m0.660.730.710.79
Production/sales +3m0.870.840.920.80
Employment -3m0.800.850.950.96
Employment +3m0.840.840.940.87
Investment plans0.720.820.810.87
External financing0.780.850.730.75

Source: The Riksbank.