The Riksbank’s Financial Markets Survey: More respondents find fixed-income market to be functioning better
News Since last spring, market participants have become increasingly optimistic about the functioning of the Swedish fixed-income and foreign exchange markets for Swedish kronor.
While a clear majority of participants consider these markets to be functioning well, views on market liquidity differ across asset classes and instruments. The Riksbank's sales of nominal government bonds are considered to have increased supply and improved liquidity in that market.
Geopolitical factors such as war and cyber attacks are highlighted by many respondents as the main risks to the financial system.
Twice per year, the Riksbank sends out a Financial Markets Survey to participants active in the Swedish foreign exchange and fixed income markets. The purpose of the survey is to gain an overall picture of participants’ views on the Swedish financial markets – how they are working, what market activity looks like and the size of the risks they take. This time, 51 market participants responded to the survey in the period 25 September to 16 October 2024.