Alternative measures of labour market slack improve the analysis of inflation
News, Staff memo Can alternative, more disaggregated measures of labour market slack improve inflation forecasts? Caroline Flodberg, Marie Hesselman and Mårten Löf investigate this issue in a Staff memo.
The Riksbank mainly uses aggregate measures of total unemployment or various gaps to analyse the relationship between resource utilisation in the labour market and inflation. However, many other measures of labour market slack – such as long-term unemployment and the employment rate in the 25-34-year-old age group – have higher covariance with inflation than total unemployment.
Nevertheless, no single indicator is clearly better than others at predicting the rate of inflation, and it is important which period of time is examined. The results should therefore be interpreted with some caution. Overall, however, they suggest that the analysis of inflation could be improved by supplementing it with a broader set of measures of resource utilisation in the labour market.
By Caroline Flodberg, Marie Hesselman and Mårten Löf, advisers at the Monetary Policy Department.
Staff memo
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