The Riksbank’s Financial Markets Survey: Risk-taking increasing among fixed-income and FX traders

News Market participants are taking greater risks in their investments now than they did in the spring. This is shown in the Riksbank’s Financial Markets Survey of participants in the Swedish fixed-income and foreign-exchange markets, which was carried out in late September and early October.

The Swedish foreign exchange market is functioning well, according to the survey respondents. Liquidity on both the spot and forward markets is assessed as good. At the same time, an increasing number of respondents report that the fixed income market is functioning more poorly than it did in the spring. Many respondents consider the Riksbank's asset purchases to be one of the reasons for this.


Twice a year, the Riksbank sends out a questionnaire to participants active in the Swedish fixed income and foreign exchange markets. The purpose of the survey is to gain an overall picture of participants’ views on the Swedish financial markets – how they are working, what market activity looks like and how extensive their risk-taking is. The Financial Markets Survey report presents the results of the survey responded to in the period 21 September to 7 October 2021. The report is based solely on participants’ responses and is not an account of the Riksbank’s assessments.

Contact: Press Office, tel. +46 8-7870200
Updated 04/11/2021