Auction results 2021-12-15
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2021-12-15 |
Loan | SWTB 0 03/16/22 |
Isin | SE0015659529 |
Coupon, % | 0.000 |
Maturity | 2022-03-16 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 1500 +/- 1500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 3000 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 1500 |
Number of bids | 2 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, % | -0.434 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.434 |
Highest yield, % | -0.434 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2021-12-15 |
Loan | SWTB 0 06/15/22 |
Isin | SE0016102057 |
Coupon, % | 0.000 |
Maturity | 2022-06-15 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 500 +/- 500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 100 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 0 |
Number of bids | 1 |
Number of accepted bids | 0 |
Average yield, % | N/A |
Lowest accepted yield, % | N/A |
Highest yield, % | N/A |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | N/A |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2021-12-15 |
Loan | SWTB 0 09/21/22 |
Isin | SE0016787204 |
Coupon, % | 0.000 |
Maturity | 2022-09-21 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 500 +/- 500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 100 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 0 |
Number of bids | 1 |
Number of accepted bids | 0 |
Average yield, % | N/A |
Lowest accepted yield, % | N/A |
Highest yield, % | N/A |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | N/A |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2021-12-15 |
Loan | SWTB 0 12/21/22 |
Isin | SE0017133655 |
Coupon, % | 0.000 |
Maturity | 2022-12-21 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 500 +/- 500 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1100 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 1000 |
Number of bids | 3 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, % | -0.245 |
Lowest accepted yield, % | -0.269 |
Highest yield, % | -0.220 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 100.00 |
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Updated 15/12/2021
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