Auction results 2021-03-23

Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2021-03-23
Loan 2410
Isin SE0010469205
Coupon, % 1.000
Maturity 2024-10-02
Tendered volume, SEK mln 2500 +/- 1250
Offered volume, SEK mln 8250
Volume bought, SEK mln 2500
Number of bids 15
Number of accepted bids 3
Average yield, % 0.112
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.105
Highest yield, % 0.116
Accepted at lowest yield, % 80.00
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2021-03-23
Isin SE0013745452
Coupon, % 0.750
Maturity 2026-02-04
Tendered volume, SEK mln 1000 +/- 500
Offered volume, SEK mln 3150
Volume bought, SEK mln 1000
Number of bids 14
Number of accepted bids 4
Average yield, % 0.308
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.303
Highest yield, % 0.312
Accepted at lowest yield, % 100.00
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2021-03-23
Isin XS1897258098
Coupon, % 0.625
Maturity 2023-06-01
Tendered volume, SEK mln 250 +/- 250
Offered volume, SEK mln 150
Volume bought, SEK mln 0
Number of bids 1
Number of accepted bids 0
Average yield, % 0.000
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.000
Highest yield, % 0.000
Accepted at lowest yield, % 0.00
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2021-03-23
Loan G24
Isin XS1968465572
Coupon, % 0.375
Maturity 2024-03-27
Tendered volume, SEK mln 250 +/- 250
Offered volume, SEK mln 0
Volume bought, SEK mln 0
Number of bids 0
Number of accepted bids 0
Average yield, % 0.000
Lowest accepted yield, % 0.000
Highest yield, % 0.000
Accepted at lowest yield, % 0.00
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Updated 23/03/2021