Auction result 2024-09-06

Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2024-09-06
Loan 1060
Isin SE0009496367
Coupon, % 0.750
Maturity 2028-05-12
Offered volume, SEK mln 2000 +/- 2000
Bid volume, SEK mln 3750
Volume sold, SEK mln 2000
Number of bids 9
Number of accepted bids 6
Average yield, % 1.705
Lowest yield, % 1.697
Highest accepted yield, % 1.712
Accepted at highest yield, % 29.17
Auction results
Auction Result of auction
Auction date 2024-09-06
Loan 1062
Isin SE0013935319
Coupon, % 0.125
Maturity 2031-05-12
Offered volume, SEK mln 1000 +/- 1000
Bid volume, SEK mln 2750
Volume sold, SEK mln 1000
Number of bids 6
Number of accepted bids 1
Average yield, % 1.782
Lowest yield, % 1.782
Highest accepted yield, % 1.782
Accepted at highest yield, % 100.000
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Updated 06/09/2024