Auction result 2024-06-14
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2024-06-14 |
Loan | 1060 |
Isin | SE0009496367 |
Coupon, % | 0.750 |
Maturity | 2028-05-12 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1000 +/- 1000 |
Bid volume, SEK mln | 2800 |
Volume sold, SEK mln | 1000 |
Number of bids | 7 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, % | 2.281 |
Lowest yield, % | 2.281 |
Highest accepted yield, % | 2.281 |
Accepted at highest yield, % | 100.000 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2024-06-14 |
Loan | 1061 |
Isin | SE0011281922 |
Coupon, % | 0.750 |
Maturity | 2029-11-12 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 1500 +/- 1500 |
Bid volume, SEK mln | 4650 |
Volume sold, SEK mln | 1500 |
Number of bids | 15 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, % | 2.179 |
Lowest yield, % | 2.179 |
Highest accepted yield, % | 2.179 |
Accepted at highest yield, % | 100.000 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2024-06-14 |
Loan | 1053 |
Isin | SE0002829192 |
Coupon, % | 3.500 |
Maturity | 2039-03-30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 500 +/- 500 |
Bid volume, SEK mln | 2425 |
Volume sold, SEK mln | 500 |
Number of bids | 21 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, % | 2.260 |
Lowest yield, % | 2.260 |
Highest accepted yield, % | 2.260 |
Accepted at highest yield, % | 100.000 |
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Updated 14/06/2024
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