Auction calendar sale of government bonds

Auction calendar
Instrument type Announcement date Auction date Settlement date Volume
Nominal government bonds 06-12-2024 10-12-2024 12-12-2024 3 000
Nominal government bonds 06-12-2024 13-12-2024 17-12-2024 2 700
Nominal government bonds 03-01-2025 10-01-2025 14-01-2025 2 700
Inflation-linked bonds 10-01-2025 17-01-2025 21-01-2025 400
Nominal government bonds 17-01-2025 24-01-2025 28-01-2025 3 000
Inflation-linked bonds 24-01-2025 31-01-2025 04-02-2025 400
Nominal government bonds 31-01-2025 07-02-2025 11-02-2025 3 000
Inflation-linked bonds 07-02-2025 14-02-2025 18-02-2025 400
Nominal government bonds 14-02-2025 21-02-2025 25-02-2025 2 700
Inflation-linked bonds 21-02-2025 28-02-2025 04-03-2025 400
Nominal government bonds 28-02-2025 07-03-2025 11-03-2025 3 000
Inflation-linked bonds 07-03-2025 14-03-2025 18-03-2025 400
Nominal government bonds 14-03-2025 21-03-2025 25-03-2025 2 700
Inflation-linked bonds 21-03-2025 28-03-2025 01-04-2025 400

All amounts in SEK million.

All information in above calendar is preliminary and may be updated until special terms and conditions have been published. Special terms and conditions are normally published on the Friday one week before the auction, and takes place five minutes after the market closes, i.e. at 4:20 pm (or 12:05 pm on trading days before a public holiday).

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Updated 27/09/2024