Asset management and sustainability
According to the Sveriges Riksbank Act, the Riksbank shall attach particular weight in its asset management to how sustainable development can be promoted, as long as this does not adversely affect the objectives of the asset management or the principles related to consideration for the Riksbank's tasks and low-risk management. This includes the Riksbank identifying, analysing and managing sustainability-related financial risks on the balance sheet. An important part of this work is to monitor and report the carbon footprint of the management. As of 2025, the Riksbank is expanding the reporting of the carbon footprint of its financial assets to promote transparency and increase comparability regarding the climate impact of financial assets.
The gold and foreign currency reserves account for a large part of the Riksbank's financial assets and their purpose and use are described on the page The gold and foreign currency reserves.
The Riksbank integrates consideration for sustainability in the management of foreign assets in the foreign exchange reserves. At the same time, the reserves need to contain assets in the currencies that may be needed for the Riksbank to fulfil its tasks, for example in a crisis. The sustainability of the foreign exchange reserves therefore depends on whether the countries whose currencies must be included in the reserves comply with international agreements and contribute to the transition. Read more: The carbon footprint of the Riksbank's foreign exchange reserves
The Riksbank also has holdings of securities in Swedish kronor, see further on page Securities holdings in SEK.
The Riksbank reports the carbon footprint of the corporate bonds it holds, as well as the holdings of government bonds in Swedish kronor.
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