Sustainability in internal work
The Riksbank’s sustainability work is based on its core functions that aim to support long-term sustainable and stable economic development in Sweden.
According to the Sveriges Riksbank Act (Chapter 1, Article 9), the Riksbank shall identify threats to sustainable development that affect the conditions for its operations. The Riksbank therefore needs to take into account the risks posed by the consequences of climate change in its operational sustainability work.
The Riksbank, like all organisations, also needs to work continuously to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and the negative impact of its own activities. This can include, for example, sustainability requirements in purchasing and procurement and reviewing the energy consumption of the organisation.
The Riksbank shall also be a workplace that gives employees the opportunity to contribute to sustainable social development. For example, this can mean ample scope to hold digital meetings and reduce the amount of business air travel.
Sustainability policy
The Riksbank has a sustainability policy that states that the Riksbank, as far as is possible and compatible with the tasks and duties of the bank, shall work preventively and promote long-term, sustainable development.
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