The Riksbank shall promote sustainable development
Published: 25 January 2023
The Sveriges Riksbank Act states that the Riksbank shall pay particular attention to how sustainable development can be promoted in its asset management, as long as this does not adversely affect the objectives of asset management or the principles related to the Riksbank’s tasks and its asset management at low risk.[51] Chapter 9, Section 1, Sveriges Riksbank Act.
The Riksbank shall also seek a high degree of efficiency and sound financial management with state funds in its activities.[52] Chapter 1, Section 7, Sveriges Riksbank Act. This means, for instance, that the Riksbank shall manage possible financial risks arising from measures. One way of doing this is to limit credit risk when purchasing bonds. When purchasing corporate bonds, the Riksbank also takes into account financial risks related to climate change and climate transition.
January 2023
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