Risk Management Department

Risk Management Department

Chief Risk Officer: Lena Arfalk

Lena Arfalk is the Head of the department from 1 January 2025.

The Risk Management Department’s (RIA) task is to work in an active and preventive manner to ensure effective risk management of good quality at the Riksbank.

The department is responsible for ensuring that the Riksbank has a framework for risk management that ensures satisfactory and continuous identification, appraisal, management, monitoring and reporting of risks. The department also advises and supports the organisation in risk management and compliance, and checks that the organisation identifies and manages its risks.

The Risk Management Department shall perform its tasks independently from the rest of the organisation and shall report its objective assessment of the Riksbank's risks to the Executive Board regularly, or at least quarterly.

The Chief Compliance Officer and Data Protection Officer are part of the Risk Management Department.

Organisationally, the whistle-blower function also belongs to the Risk Management Department.

The Chief Risk Officer is a member of the Riksbank’s management group.